In Town Fishing Report
Karl and I got out and fished in town a couple days ago, and found the fishing to be great! The flows have come up to around 80 cfs, and the water has been a little off color over the past few weeks, mostly due to a construction project on the upper end of town near Meadowbrook Golf Course. While the visibility is only around 2-3 feet, the fishing was fantastic, with lots of fish feeding on the surface.
There's a great BWO hatch going on, and the fish are feeding heavily on them. The hatch starts pretty early compared to normal - around 9-10 most days. The fish really get cranked up on them shortly after they start hatching, and feed on them throughout the better part of the afternoon. We used a number of different flies, but Karl had a lot of success on a Purple Parachute Adams of all things, in a size 18. All things considered, the fish are more likely to eat something they haven't seen a ton of. Other flies that have been working well are CDC Thorax Duns, Klinkhamers, Students, Hackle Stackers, and as always, F-Flies in size 16-20. The fish definitely aren't pushovers, but they will eat a properly presented dry fly. If they get really picky, put a small BWO dropper a foot below your fly. Two Bit Hookers are one of my favorites!
I nymphed primarily when we were out, and after I figured out what type of water the fish were in I started hooking fish in nearly every run I fished. The fish were favoring the faster parts of the runs, as well as the broken up parts of the riffles, which is pretty common during a good BWO emergence. The bugs start coming off, and the fish move into the shallow, fast water and feed heavily on the nymphs and emergers. I caught the vast majority of my fish on Yellow Spot Jigs with a small Quill Jig or Skinny Jig in size 16 as a dropper. We just got a custom-tied shipment of Skinny Jigs in the shop - stop by and check them out!
The weather is great, fishing is fantastic, and the fish are happy. Stop by the shop for the latest hot flies, to stock up on tippet and floatant, or to book one of our guided trips!