pat's rubber legs nymph fly tying video

Pat's Rubber Legs Fly Tying Video

The Pat's Rubber Legs is one of the best attractor nymph patterns ever tied, and it's one of the most productive as well! Imitates a stonefly nymph well, and is easily adapted to various species of stoneflies. Makes a great weight fly for nymphing faster water as well! This pattern can be be tied with any color of chenille. Most often, Pat's Rubber Legs are tied in black, brown, tan, purple. Can be tied as large as a size 2 and down to a size 14-16. Another cool option is to tie these with variegated chenille for a multi colored look. Video by Ryan Gabert.

While Pat's Rubber legs was originally a trout fly, we have also had great luck using this pattern as a carp fly.

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