February 4 - Trout Streamers. Fly Fishing for trout with streamers has become incredibly popular, especially with the big articulated variety. We will do a couple articulated streamers, as well as a couple single hook streamers.
All of these tying demos will start at 10am, and will run somewhere between 1-2 hours depending on how complicated the flies are. See you this Saturday!

Saturday Morning Fly Tying Demos
We're going to start doing free fly tying demos on Saturday mornings over the next few weeks, and we've got a few scheduled for the coming weeks. We'll be down showing you how to tie some of the most effective patterns for fishing in the Black Hills and elsewhere!
January 21 - Spring Dry Flies. This will go over a number of flies that are effective for some of the fantastic dry fly fishing we get in the late winter/early spring, especially in town!
January 28 - Pike and Bass Flies. We've been really getting into pike fishing over the last few years, and we've dialed in a couple patterns that have been especially effective. We'll go over a couple patterns that we like for Largemouth, Smallmouth, and White Bass as well.